It's Showtime!
Welcome to our own space on the internet made specifically for MEPAA performers! This page will answer any questions you may have, host any forms that must be completed, provide updated rehearsal calendars and useful resources, and more! Please do not share this page on any social media sites, it is solely for us. :)
Our upcoming show is just around the corner! Feel free to contact your instructor if you have any questions.
Arabian Voyage 2024
Show Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024
Show Time: 7:00 PM (doors will open at 6:30 PM)
Ticket Price: $30 in advance / $35 at the door | General Seating
Location: McCarthy Hall Theater (Room 6120 – MDC Kendall Campus)
Please read through these guidelines carefully, and feel free to speak with us directly should any questions or concerns arise. Lastly, everyone has worked very hard for this event. Please advise your family and friends to arrive early and to cooperate with the staff. Your help in spreading the word about our show and creating a sold-out house will be greatly appreciated! We’re looking forward to sharing the stage with you! 😍
Performer Packet
Please click the link below to download your performer packet. This packet includes important show information, campus map, show checklist, and your MEPAA RELEASE FORM. Please sign and return to your teacher ASAP.
Rehearsal Schedule
The rehearsal calendar is subject to last-minute changes. Please check back often to confirm your rehearsal date and time. We are working with MDC and sometimes rooms are changed last minute. Please be patient with us!
Please arrive to all rehearsals at least 10 minutes early so that we may begin on time.
Performers must attend all scheduled rehearsals. Failure to attend rehearsals will result in strikes. Starting in March, after 3 strikes, you will be removed from that group choreography. During all rehearsals, please make sure your cell phones are set on vibrate or silent mode.
Director's Note: It is incredibly helpful if in addition to these rehearsals, you ladies meet on your own and rehearse together as a group. As you can see, the schedule is tight and if you can help your instructor (and each other) with additional rehearsals. The additional time will be seen on stage. Thank you!
Dress Rehearsal
Date and Time: May 10, 2024, 6:45 pm - 10:00 pm EST
Location: Room 6120, McCarthy Auditorium
Attending Dress Rehearsal is mandatory. Those not attending Dress Rehearsal will not be able to perform in the show. Please bring full costume and jewelry (makeup is not required, but always helps!).
Only participating performers will be allowed in the auditorium; no family members or children. Performers are required to stay until the end of the rehearsal - we will review curtain call at the end.
Please be on time – we are working with union contractors that cannot be delayed. This year's Dress Rehearsal will run as a tech rehearsal. We will run through the show as if it was showtime. Make sure to change and have your friends assist with quick changes so you make it on stage on time.
Time to Shine!
There will be no makeup on site this year. Each dancer is responsible for having their makeup done offsite or arriving with enough time to put their makeup on before the performance.
📸 Professional Mini Photo Shoot Sessions
We are happy to announce that we will once again be offering Mini Photoshoot sessions with the talented Ana Goncalves. Please contact Danna at 305-726-1195 to reserve your spot, as space is very limited!
Price: $45 and includes 3 edited photos. Each additional photo is just $5 more!
Payment Instructions: Please send $45 payment directly to Ana Goncalves. Deadline to pay is: Friday, May 3rd. Send Danna a screenshot of your payment to confirm your scheduled spot.
Zelle: 786-325-2484
Venmo: @Ana-Goncalves-16
Shoot Schedule:
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your session!!! Failure to be on time will risk you losing your spot. Let's be courteous of our photographer’s time and our tight show-day schedule. Get ready to glam up & strike a pose! 💋
Ticket are $30.00 in advance and $35.00 at the door. For every ticket you sell, please keep $5. Tickets will be sold on campus (cash only) as well as online.
Ticket incentives have been given to performers that have requested to sell tickets on their own. Students who sell more than 10 tickets will receive a 5x7 art print, signed by MEPAA staff in gratitude for your incredible efforts.
Seats are first-come first-served. The auditorium has 325 seats and no seats will be reserved for family members. We advise you purchase all your tickets in advance, as prices go up at the door.
Due to our show’s selling out and MDC’s fire codes, dancers are not allowed to watch the show from the audience unless they have purchased a ticket beforehand.
Children over the age of three (or if they require their own seat) must purchase a ticket.
Show Details
On the day of the show, please check the Mini Photoshoot Schedule for your arrival time. You are welcome to come earlier if you wish. Make sure to bring whatever you may need for the day, including snacks and drinks.
During the show, only performers will be allowed backstage / in the dressing rooms. Every performer will need to stay backstage when not performing. There will not be any access to the auditorium. While waiting backstage, please stay quiet. The audience can hear everything! All performers must stay for the duration of the show and participate in the final curtain call (in full costume).
Please remain in your cover-up (also known as an abaya) when walking outside of your dressing room. This includes going to the bathroom - please cover up!
Anyone behaving inappropriately or found using alcohol/illegal substances will be immediately escorted off the premises and will not be allowed back to the event.
Students will be allowed to perform and have their name appear in the show program IF they have signed the MEPAA Performer Release Form (found in the Performer Packet section), the MDC release forms, and registered for their classes.
Shareable Campus Map
Download the Show Poster files and share!
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For facebook cover photo